Communities in Bloom

Communities in Bloom 

Communities in Bloom (CiB) is a Canadian non-profit organization committed to encouraging and inspiring communities to develop, enhance, and sustain the visual appeal of subdivisions, public spaces, parks, and streetscapes through the use of floral displays, trees and landscaping. It promotes the preservation of heritage and cultural components with special emphasis on environmental stewardship through recycling and tidiness. The provincial branch of CiB consists of a program offered by the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association.

The Communities in Bloom national motto is People, Plants & Pride......Growing Together.

The Resort Village of Candle Lake CiB Committee was formed and became a Committee of Council in 2007. 

Mission Statement: Communities in Bloom is a committee of volunteers under the Resort Village of Candle Lake that actively supports community beautification and enhancements, heritage conservation and environmental responsibility.

Committee Members

Wendy BusaChairperson
Valerie MantonSecretary
Terry BusaTreasurer
Councillor Hugh GarvenRVCL Council Representative
Fran BardarMember at Large
Sheryl SpencerMember at Large
Helen CroissantMember at Large
Denis LockingerMember at Large
Patty VelcoffMember at Large
Roy ButtonMember at Large

Numerous CiB projects have brought many positive changes to the community.  The Committee is supported by many volunteers who help with the projects and fundraising. The Resort Village also contributes funds to CiB projects. 

Interested in joining Communities in Bloom? 

Volunteers are always needed and much appreciated. If you are interested in volunteering on an occasional basis, please contact Wendy Busa at (306) 229-0685 or any other Committee members.

Award-Winning Projects

  • In the fall of 2021 CiB received an Environment Action Award from Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation for the development of a comprehensive Recycling Program at Candle Lake. Learn more about CiB recycling initiatives at Waste & Recycling
  • In October 2020, CiB received a Heritage Recognition Award for the Aschim Homestead Heritage Forest. Presented annually by the provincial Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association, the Award recognizes the CiB’s ongoing efforts to maintain and expand this beautiful, peaceful historic area.  Learn more about the Aschim Homestead Heritage Forest.

 Recent Initiatives

  • Community Garden Grants for phase one and phase two ($20,000)
  • Purchase of playground equipment at Waskateena Beach including a playhouse, saucer swing, and exersice stations ($40,000)
  • Purchase of boat dock for the Candle Lake Provincial Park ($6,000)
  • Signage, benches, trail markers for Aschim Heritage Homestead Site 
  • Installation of Disk Golf Course at Fisher Creek
  • Major Sponsor of the Candle Lake Fun Run
  • Funding for Curling Club Rink needs
  • Purchased a multi purpose trailer for watering flowers and hauling various equipment
  • Funding for various enhancement projects in the RVCL subdivisions (ie. signage, benches, etc.)
  • Sponsored garden tours and held seminars on horticulture themes

Other Communities in Bloom Projects

CiB is proud of the work it has done to make our Resort Village an even more beautiful place to live and visit! See just a few of the committees' projects below: 

Below is just a small sample of some of the projects and initiatives the CiB Committee has organized and led: 


  • Recycling barrels for cans and bottles are located throughout the community of Candle Lake and the Provincial Park. The cans and bottles are collected by volunteers, sorted at the landfill building, loaded on trucks and trailers and delivered to Sarcan in Prince Albert.  The funds raised are used for CiB projects in and around the Resort Village, Aschim Homestead Heritage site and at the  provincial parks. Thanks to everyone for your amazing support!

Aschim Homestead Heritage Site

  • CiB works with the RVCL to maintain the trails, boardwalks and the buildings at the Aschim Homestead Heritage Site.  


  • The CiB Committee played a large role in organizing the production and installation of signage throughout the Resort Village.  "Welcome to Candle Lake" signs on the highways entering the community and many of the signs at the entrances to subdivisions, plus the sign at Old Horse Trail are a result of CiB working within the community with local artists.
  • Welcome banners based on the theme Candle Lake a Resort for all Seasons were also created and hung in the Resort Village area. 

Beautification Projects 

  • CiB works with the RVCL to ensure that the hanging baskets, flower beds at the entrance to the Recreation Grounds, flower beds at the Cemetery and the flower pots outside municipal buildings are planted and maintained. 
  • Each May, the Candle Lake Pitch- In Ditch Cleaning program is coordinated by CiB. Many community groups come out to help get the Resort Village looking clean and beautiful for the coming season!

Mosher Park 

  • In 2012, members of CiB worked with the Mosher family and the Resort Village to plan and establish Mosher Park located on Kingsway Drive. The Park includes a kiosk, tables, benches and a swimming area. Mosher Park is dedicated to the memory of Daniel Mosher and friends who carved a trail through the bush from Paddockwood to Candle Lake over 100 years ago.

Hanging Baskets
Information Kiosk
Subdivision Sign
Mosher Park 
Welcome Banners 
Homestead Heritage Forest Trail Map