Extra Help on Board during the Summer Season

This summer six students have been hired to support Public Works operations and to keep our community looking beautiful. One seasonal worker also provides support during the busy summer season. 

Our students and seasonal workers are hard at work cutting grass, whipper-snipping, keeping our plants and flowers watered, and helping Public Works staff with anything they need include helping out at the landfill.

We thank Canada Summer Jobs for providing wage subsidies for one of our students this year.

If you see our summer students or season workers out and about, stop and say hello or give them a wave of appreciation!

Hanna Turcotte

Hanna has been coming to the Candle Lake in the summers for several years. She and her partner Tim purchased a cabin in 2022. Hanna loves the amount of places and activities available in Candle Lake for people of all ages, and she enjoys many of these activities with her one-year-old son Hudson.  

This is Hanna’s second year as a seasonal worker at the Resort Village. She says what she loves most about her summer job is getting to know the residents and visitors personally and creating solid connections with many of them. She enjoys the perks of the job, including being surrounded by nature and getting to see wildlife.  Hanna was challenged this year to help give the Landfill a small facelift – she painted the Landfill shack and planted flowers. We think she’s doing a great job! 

When she’s not working, Hanna enjoys days on the boat, going on walks in all seasons, ice fishing, and learning to forage for local plants. She also enjoys baking, hunting, collecting rocks and canoeing on the Churchill River. 

Brooklyn Lozej

Brooklyn has been living at Candle Lake for her entire life – 21 years. She says that living in the Resort Village has given her the opportunity to work and play in the outdoors, and that outdoor activities are endless in the Resort Village.

This is Brooklyn’s first year working for the Resort Village. She started this past May as an Administrative Assistant Summer Student. 

What Brooklyn enjoys most about her work at the Resort Village is that she is working in her field of study (Finance). She is learning different skills and has progressed her learning in the workplace. She says the individuals she is working are helping her along the way as she is still learning, and she appreciates how encouraging they all are. She enjoys engaging and talking with fellow community members that come into the Resort Village Office.

Brooklyn says it is challenging when she doesn’t know the answer to questions the community asks. She is often asking for guidance from her co-workers, but it is becoming easier as she goes along.

When she’s not working Brooklyn enjoys spending time with her family and friends around the lake, going to the beach, swimming, having bonfires, etc. In the winter enjoys snowmobiling, fishing, and spending quality time as a family. 

Breah Frenette

Breah has been spending her summers at Candle Lake since she was born. She says the best thing about living here is being able to spend a lot of time outdoors and the friendly people.

This is Breah’s second summer working for the Resort Village. What she loves most about her job is helping to improve the community, getting to know the other students, and running the playground program (mobile playground). Some challenges about working for Resort Village include waking up early, preparing for long weekends in public works, and getting everything done in time for community events and recreation.  

When she’s not working, Breah likes to go boating with her family and friends and sit around the fire pit. In winter, she loves to snowmobile, ice fish, and sit in the cabin, as it’s just nice to get out of the city. 

Kendra Yelland 

Kendra has been coming to Candle Lake since she was little kid. What she likes best about being here is living by the beach.  

This is Kendra’s second summer working for RVCL and she enjoys contributing to the community. A challenge she faces is working in the heat. When she’s not working, Kendra enjoys to swim, In the winter she likes to go snowmobiling. 

Amy Larsen

Amy Larsen has been coming to Clake since she was a little kid every summer, and she enjoys living by the water. 

This is Amy’s first summer working for the Resort Village, and she loves being able to make a difference in the community and keeping it clean and presentable. What she finds most challenging is when she is on garbage duty. When Amy’s not working, she likes to read a book at the beach. In the winter, she enjoys ice fishing. 


Ethan Henderson

Ethan Henderson has been living at Candle Lake all his life. What he likes best about living in the Resort Village is the people. Ethan has been working at the Resort Village for three and he loves mowing the grass, although it’s challenging in the heat. When he’s not working, he likes to be on the lake. 


Mitchell Minier

Mitchell and his family have had a cabin at Candle Lake for 17 years. What he likes most about being here is the lake activities. 

This is Mitchell’s first year working for the Resort Village. He enjoys mowing grass but finds whipper snipping in the heat challenging. When Mitchell is not working he likes golfing and swimming. In the winter he likes to snowmobile. 

Carter Minier

Carter is Mitchell’s brother and he has been living at Candle Lake for 16 years. What he likes best about living in the Resort Village is the lake.  Carter has been working for the Resort Village for the last three years. What he loves most about his job is going outside, although he says the heat can be challenging at times. 

Carter likes swimming and skiing when he’s not at work.