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Parks & Playgrounds

Parks & Playgrounds

 Memorial Park Playground

Memorial Park Playground 

The RVCL is excited to announce that Memorial Park Rejuvenation work will be commencing soon! Memorial Park is located on Pine Crescent in the Lakeside Subdivision. Last year the Village adopted the Playground Inspection Policy 400-40 and provided training for certification to inspect playground equipment. Since that time inspections are performed regularly for all recreation areas managed and operated by Resort Village of Candle Lake.  During these inspections specific deficiencies have been found at Memorial Park Playground.  

The 2024 Village Budget includes the following improvements at the Memorial Park Playground. These improvements will enhance enjoyment and safety for users of the park. 

I.  Install surface level markers on all playground equipment.
II. Install manufacturer name, contact info, date, and age group indicator at each piece of playground equipment.
III. Remove concrete footings around swing support structure and teeter totter.  Lift swing structure and teeter totter. 
IV. Install screw piles and pile caps.  Mount swing structure and teeter totter to piles.  
V.  Install a retaining barrier as a method of containment for loose-fill surfacing material around play structures. 
VI. Grade ground within the barrier with loose-fill surfacing material.
VII. Grade and seed surface surrounding the retaining barrier. 

In preparation for these improvements, a fence will be in place to restrict access.  Please ensure children are kept clear of Contractors as they work in this area and stay off of the fence and play equipment as it is repaired.    Feel free to reach out to the RVCL office if you have questions concerning Memorial Park or any other recreation facilities in the Village (306) 929-2236

These playgrounds 

Recreation Grounds

This Playground is located next to the RVCL office.  It offers equipment like swings, play structures with slides, a fun playhouse for the little ones and gazebos for families to gather in! The play structures are designed for children aged 2-12 and adult supervision is recommended. You can “take a book or leave a book” at the Free Little Library located at both playgrounds.

Waskateena Playground

Waskateena Playground is located within the Provincial Park.

Waskateena Playground
Waskateena Playground

Mosher Park 

Mosher Park is located at the corner of King’s Way and King’s Court in the Lakeside Subdivision.

Communities in Bloom, together with the Mosher family and the Resort Village planned and established Mosher Park in 2012. The park is dedicated to the memory of Daniel Mosher and friends who carved a trail through the bush from Paddockwood to Candle Lake 100 years ago. 

Enjoy the beach or gather with friends and family in the gazebo at Mosher Park!

Park Signage
Mosher Park Gazebo
Mosher Park
Mosher Park Dedication